Copyright | Data from Kircher 1650; implementation (c) 2022 Andrew A. Cashner |
Stability | Experimental |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Sub-structures used by Arca_musarithmica
to build Kircher's ark.
This pinax (s2p5
) contains four columns for successive strophes. Each
contains pairs of four-voice vperms and four-voice rperms.
Kircher intends this for meters with nine and ten syllable lines (p. 116), with the paradigm being Amant venena parricida.
"PINAX V. Melothesiae [-as?] Floridae & artificiosae Musarithmos continens. Pro metris Enneasyllabis & Decasyllabis."
This pinax is for toni (tones) 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, and 10.